Pro Number

In the world of LTL (less-than-truckload) and TL (truckload) shipments, the shipping PRO number, which is short for progressive number, is an order identifier that becomes a vital piece in the tracking and chain of custody process from shipper to consignee.
Three elements or identifiers make up the tracking numbers that specifically identify the shipment, the order and the carrier involved in a transaction:
- Bill of lading number (BOL)
- Pro number
- The SCAC carrier code
These codes make up the vital elements for tracking and tracing in the LTL and TL world.
The BOL number identifies the specific bill that was used in a specific carrier transaction. The pro number is used to identify and then track a specific order tendered to a specific carrier. Unlike small package shipments where each package has its own tracking number, in the LTL and TL world each “order” is assigned a pro number or tracking number.
These 7 to 10 digit numbers are typically paired with a SCAC code to form a complete tracing mechanism that is equivalent to a tracking number in the small parcel world. As a note, SCAC codes define the carrier who is transporting the shipment and is defined by the National Motor Freight Classification or NMFC.
Auto-generating Pro Numbers
Companies who ship a large volume of LTL and TL shipments and are using an enterprise multi-carrier shipping system like InfoShip/Vx, may be using the shipping system to store a large pre-assigned group of pro numbers from the individual carriers used at that company. These shipping systems will have a block or range of PRO numbers from their various freight carriers stored in the transportation management system (TMS) system, rather than contacting the carriers each time they have a shipment and need to get a pro number assigned by the carrier, as is typical.
This allows for quicker shipment execution, rather than manually creating a PRO number each time they have a shipment. PRO numbers can also be pre-printed on a sticky label and placed on each pallet that is being shipped and also stuck to documentation like the bill of lading for identification, storage and later review.
For more information on pro numbers and to learn more about how to have your multi-carrier shipping system store a block or range of carrier pro numbers for greater efficiency in shipment processing, please contact us.